The overall vision of ACATA is to enhance the technological capability of assessment experts and members for exploring and expanding CAT in Africa through the exchange of knowledge. It is expected that this will improve expertise, in order to improve decisions made from and facilitate the growth of educational assessment in the continent.


To seek to steer a paradigm shift in educational assessment in Africa by moving the continent to the next generations of Computer-Based Testing, through the promotion of scholarship and best practices in Computer Adaptive Testing to encourage the use and management of technologies for educational assessment that are geared towards accuracy ability placement applicable in a variety of educational settings.


  • Technology and Innovation in educational assessments
  • Excellence
  • Functional Partnership
  • Association, Institutional & Industrial Collaboration


  • Examination Bodies (National and Regional)
  • Educational research institutes
  • Education Ministries and Government Departments/Agencies
  • University Faculties of Education
  • Educational Technology and Development Agencies

Welcome to ACATA!


The Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing in Africa (ACATA) is a research think tank which serves the role of driving innovations for tackling problems with respect to educational assessments and innovating new solutions to fix them.

ACATA as a research think tank serves the role of bringing new ideas and solutions to the table to enable change and create social and intellectual settings that encourage problem-solving.



Executive Board

The Executive Board consists of up to 12 members while taking into account equity and inclusion in terms of regional representation, gender and ACATA membership profile. Some flexibility may be allowed in the initial years of the formalisation of the association with respect to these criteria.

The 12 member Executive Board would consist of an Executive Director nominated by the Executive Committee, two members each from the five regions of Africa (West, East, Southern Central and North; ideally one male and one female from each region) and a consensus nominee from the affiliate organization(s) with the largest financial contribution to the Association.


ACATA upholds an Africa outlook with membership open to West, East, Southern, Central and North Africa with equal opportunity for male and female members.


Industry Experience

ACATA leverages on expertise in the field of psychometrics and educational assessment deployed through world-class solutions

Executive Committe

The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Treasurer and Secretariat.

Some flexibility may be allowed in the initial years of the formalisation of the association with respect to these criteria.


The association is made up of distinguished academics and practitioners with a relevant background in educational assessment, innovative practice and research.

Technology-led Assessment Solutions

We leverage technology to improve assessment delivery in educational and work settings.

Training and Workshop

Our training and workshops are CAT centred and handled by leading professional in psychometrics and educational assessment both physically and virtually.


Sponsored CAT conferences
Opportunity to participate in Technology Uptake Fellowship Programme (TUFP)
Masters and PhD academies/CAT mentorship
Right to vote for members of the Association’s Executive Committee
Right to nominate members of the Association’s Executive Board



A paradigm shift for CAT has become inevitable with the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) which is transforming our world in subtle and powerful ways.

It becomes necessary to drive CAT research in Africa to ensure educational assessment is at par with other fields in aligning to current trends.

Oct. 10-12 2021/Germany

8th Conference of the International Association of Computerized Adaptive Testing

This is to announce the 8th conference of the International Association of Computer Adaptive Testing (IACAT) which has been scheduled from Saturday, the 10th of October to Tuesday, the 12th of October, 2021.

Host: The Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

Conference Theme: Enhancing testing and assessment in the digital age with Computerized Adaptive Testing

Plan not only to attend but to also present a paper!

The First Biennial ACATA Conference Call for Submission of Extended Abstracts

ACATA holds her maiden biennial conference in West Africa, where her secretariat is currently located. The conference will be hosted in a hybrid event that serves as an open forum for interdisciplinary and scholarly discussion of ideas among educational researchers and assessment practitioners. Conference participants have the opportunity to present their original research and draw implications for the broad educational and standardised assessment community. The conference programme primarily consists of empirical studies accepted through a blind review process. Additionally, there are invited presentations, symposia, and panel discussions that feature the biennial conference theme. Selected high-quality papers presented at the biennial conference would be invited to submit to the association’s Journal (JoCATiA, a peer-reviewed online journal). The 2023 ACATA Biennial International Conference will take place at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria, from October 2-6, 2023

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